At Musical Health Technologies, AKA SingFit, we’ve created a technology platform that dramatically expands the ability of people to access the proven benefits of therapeutic music to improve their health.
Our current mission is to create robust lives for people as they age through the intentional application of prescribed singing. We empower healthcare professionals, love economy caregivers and individuals to utilize music as medicine on a mass scale for the first time in history.
MHT’s core values include commitments to:
innovate and standardize the mass distribution of music as effective medicine
provide person-centered care
democratize high-quality healthcare through technology
MHT was founded by the brother-sister team of Andy Tubman, a certified Music Therapist, and Rachel Francine, a technology industry veteran, based on an idea their inventor/opera-singing father, Lou Tubman, had in the mid-60s. It took decades for the technology infrastructure to catch up with Lou’s vision, but now that it has, Musical Health Technologies is rapidly bringing therapeutic music to the world.
While MHT was not founded because Andy and Rachel’s mother developed dementia, every aspect of the company and our offerings are informed by their own struggles caring for Sandy during her dementia journey. They intimately understand the struggles that come from trying to lovingly care for someone with dementia, and they want to make that journey a bit easier and filled with joy for everyone else traveling that road.
SingFit’s products embody the beauty of music as a scientifically supported way to connect with seniors and encourage engagement for those with cognitive decline. The SingFit app utilizes a unique Lyric Prompting track for failure-free singing as well as music therapist designed protocols and online training to ensure successful sessions for a variety of clients with cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, dementia, aphasia and Parkinson’s disease.
SingFit PRIME, our flagship product for engaging those with cognitive decline, is empowering activity directors to bring joy to seniors at over 500 long-term care facilities across the US. The SingFit PRIME app and accompanying materials facilitate an interactive, social music group that includes singing, movement, trivia, and reminiscence to stimulate and activate the whole brain and body. SingFit PRIME was especially designed for all types of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy Bodies Dementia, Vascular Dementia and Frontotemporal Dementia.
SingFit STUDIO Pro is a turn-key music app for licensed occupational therapists and speech language pathologists that harnesses attention and engagement in people with Alzheimer's and other cognitive decline. Seniors with dementia will find joy while being emotionally and cognitively supported by the personalized music app designed for their stage of cognitive decline.
SingFit STUDIO Caregiver is our newest product for caregivers of seniors with cognitive decline. STUDIO Caregiver provides the training and app to easily use therapeutic music to bring joy, laughter, and a sense of self back to those with dementia. STUDIO Caregiver can deepen your connection with your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease while providing the support for reminiscence and conversation.

"By the time the group at OPICA finishes their 45-minute singing session, nearly all are fully engaged to a degree that’s rare among patients with advanced Alzheimer’s or dementia. During the final song, “New York, New York,” one man begins to weep; most join Tubman in forming a seated but enthusiastic kick line. As the group disperses, another man laments that the session is ending before they got to his favorite city, then bursts into an impromptu rendition of another geographic Sinatra classic, “Chicago.” Read the full feature here.