Facilitator Resources
Summer 2018 Webinar
Welcome to Summer 2018! Learn about the playlists and the features that are unique to this quarter. Live Webinar Times: Tuesday, July 24th at 10am, Wednesday, July 25th at 1pm, Thursday, July 26th at 9am. Visit THIS PAGE to sign up for a session.
Facilitation Video
Here's Kate conducting "When the Saints Go Marching In." Please practice by singing and conducting along. Get up and move around to interact with your residents. Exaggerate your lips, use hand-under-hand, keep your own voice level low so they can hear the Guide Singer. Conduct - Move - Conduct.
Playlist Walkthrough
Here's the video that you watched at the end of Module 6. Follow these 5 simple steps to facilitate a song and you will have the keys that make SingFit PRIME a therapeutic music group and not just entertainment. The structure of the activity is designed by music therapists to improve engagement and get the most out of Music as Medicine.
Spring 2018 Webinar
Welcome to Spring 2018! Learn about the playlists and the features that are unique to this quarter along with some therapeutic facilitation tips.