At SingFit our mission is to make music as medicine as much a part of the healthcare system as popping a pill or going in for surgery. And, as 2017 finished up, we found ourselves closer to that goal. That’s because in 2017 our music-as-medicine program, SingFit PRIME, went from being facilitated in 90 senior-living communities, hospitals, adult day programs in 17 states to being facilitated in 380 locations in 42 states. This growth meant that in 2017 we trained and certified 1,211 new SingFit PRIME facilitators bringing our total of music-as-me
dicine facilitators to 1,463.
These facilitators, who are usually activities directors at senior-living communities, social workers or certified nursing assistants, have one of the most challenging and sometimes thankless jobs around, improving the lives of people suffering with dementia. It is the greatest gift to everyone who works at SingFit that we can provide these frontline healthcare warriors with a tool that has been shown to bring significant improvements to their residents and clients lives, including a 42% mood elevation and 40% reduction in anti-anxiety medication use.
So, to all of our trained and certified SingFit PRIME facilitators and their co-workers who bring SingFit PRIME to over 26,000 people on a daily basis, thank you! You are the ones who are bringing music as medicine into the mainstream and changing lives as you do it. To that end, in 2018 we are starting a SingFit Heros program, which will recognize not only the best SingFit PRIME facilitators and senior-care professionals bringing music as medicine to the people who need it most, but also those SingFit PRIME singers who participate with gusto, humor and energy.
That takes care of the 1,463 things I’m thankful for in 2017. The other is Lou Tubman, who was the inventor of SingFit’s four-track, Lyric Coach technology and father of myself and my co-founder, Andy Tubman. Lou passed this year in August but he left us with an amazing legacy and vision, that music can truly help heal the world in a quantifiable way and we are getting there, one trained and certified facilitator at a time. We invite you to join us on this quest!
Here’s to a happy, healthy and music filled 2018 for all!
Rachel Francine
Co-Founder & CEO of SingFit