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SingFit at the United Nations on October 9th

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

As some of you may know, in addition to a 20-year career in technology and my current position serving as co-founder and CEO of Musical Health Technologies, I have a master’s degree in Futures Studies, which is strategic planning with at least a ten-year time horizon.

This is why being asked to speak on a panel at the United Nations on what it takes to build a successful start-up is a complete privilege. The panel, titled “Not Every Great Idea Comes Wrapped in a Hoodie” is part of a series of educational events designed to help member countries achieve the organization's 2030 development goals. Long-term goals like these (when operationalized and well-executed) help us build the future we want—preferable futures—rather than accept whatever future would be thrust upon us.

For the United Nations, the preferable future described in their 2030 Development Goals is to build a world where member countries “mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change while ensuring that no one is left behind.”

At Musical Health Technologies, the preferable future we are building is one where singing, and music in general, is as mainstream in the healthcare system as pharmaceuticals —but without any of the negative side effects—and accessible to all who require care. We are able to build this future through our SingFit technology platform, which turns music into effective, affordable, and highly distributable medicine in order to deliver greater neurological, physiological, emotional and societal health to people of all ages and cultures.

While the widespread prescribing of music as medicine might seem like a pipedream, in some countries this preferable future is not that far away. The National Health systems in the United Kingdom will begin covering music-based therapeutic interventions, like our SingFit digital health platform, in 2023.

If you would like to learn more about how the United Nations and Musical Health Technologies are building preferable futures, click here to watch the live stream of the event.

Rachel Francine

Co-Founder and CEO

Musical Health Technologies


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